MHCT’s Halal Certification Initiative in Mauritius

We at MHCT are delighted to commend the Eclosia Group of Companies in Mauritius for their continuous initiatives to enhance the quality standards and food safety of the local food industry. Their dedication to improving these standards through the Halal Awareness Training & Certification program is highly commendable.

Ensuring food safety is crucial for every entity in the ecosystem, including producers, distributors, and consumers. The Eclosia Group is promoting transparency and trust in the market by emphasizing Halal Certification and awareness, which ensure compliance with specific dietary needs.

Our recent one-week initiative, held from July 16 to 22, 2024, targeted key players such as Avipro Co. Ltd., New Maurifoods Ltd., and Panagora Marketing Co. Ltd., all of which are part of the Eclosia Group. The successful outcomes, including the acquisition of the Halal and Hygiene Compliance Certificate, highlight our shared commitment to promoting Halal standards and food safety.

With Panagora Team
With New Maurifoods Team
With Avipro Team

Additionally, our engagement with BeachComber Catering, a provider for airlines like Emirates and Air France, reinforced their dedication to Halal and Hygiene Compliance.

It’s wonderful to see organizations actively working towards maintaining high Halal Standards and ensuring Food Safety.