Halal Certification Success for CPCS, Philippines

We’re delighted to announce the successful Halal certification of Cebu Pacific Catering Services, Inc. (CPCS), Philippines! This achievement underscores CPCS’s dedication to providing airline passengers with high-quality, safe, and Halal-certified inflight meals.

Our team at MHCT recently conducted a comprehensive Halal awareness training and certification audit at the CPCS facility. We were impressed by the team’s professionalism, hospitality, and commitment throughout the process.

This certification signifies that CPCS adheres to the Halal standards requirement. From preparation and handling to storage and sanitation, the CPCS team consistently demonstrates exceptional practices that comply with both Halal and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) guidelines. The strong commitment from management and the staff’s dedication to hygiene and Halal requirements were evident throughout the audit.

MHCT Agency: Partnering for Airline Catering Halal Compliance

At MHCT Agency, we are a leading provider of Halal certification and Halal awareness training solutions designed specifically for the airline catering industry. Our programs equip airline catering staff with the knowledge and skills to consistently deliver exceptional Halal meals that meet the highest religious and hygiene standards.

Looking to elevate your airline catering operation’s Halal compliance, just like CPCS Cebu? Contact MHCT Agency today! We can help you achieve Halal certification and ensure your passengers have peace of mind knowing their inflight meals are prepared according to Islamic guidelines.

Ready to take your Halal Certification program to new heights?

Contact MHCT Agency today and let’s discuss how we can help you achieve Halal certification and provide exceptional service to your passengers.